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Can KAP help you?

I hope this post finds you well!

I wanted to provide some helpful information below surrounding an emerging approach in mental health that is now available to you through my practice: Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy.

There is expanding research in the mental health community around the impacts of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) to help eligible patients get unstuck and experience long-lasting improvement in symptoms, particularly those struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, other mental illnesses or those facing a roadblock in their current therapy. Some of the latest studies have shown truly life-changing results for some patients, and I felt compelled to offer KAP to my clients should they want to pursue this avenue of care.

If you are curious to learn about KAP and investigate if it might be a fit for you, I encourage you to spend some time researching on your own, or contact me and we can explore it together! Below are some brief, helpful places to get started:

KAP won't be right for everyone, and it is a personal choice whether you want to consider it. But in my steadfast dedication to serving you, I wanted to let you know that this is now an option available through my practice. If you're interested in how KAP could lead to breakthroughs in therapy, please let me know, and we can explore the next steps.

In service,

Eric Krawczyk

Further Reading/Listening about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy:


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